Jengkol Benefits for Body Health
Surely you already know about jengkol. It turns out that there are so many benefits of jengkol for our body. Well here are some benefits of jengkol that can be obtained.
1. Formation of the Body Network
High protein content in jengkol can help tissue formation in the body. the protein content in jengkol turned out to be much more compared to the protein content in green beans and donkey.
2. Prevent Anemia
Jengkol is also rich in iron where iron is very important to prevent and overcome the lack of production of red blood cells in the body. You certainly know that if the body is deficient in iron, the production of red blood cells will decrease. As a result, the supply of oxygen and food substances needed by all cells in the body will also decrease.
The effect of lack of oxygen supply and food substances on cells will reduce cell function / performance. No wonder if someone has iron deficiency, he will look weak, easily tired, and not excited. Well, for those of you women, taking jengkol during menstruation is highly recommended so that your body is not iron deficient due to the large amount of menstrual blood coming out of the body.
3. Preventing Bone Loss / Strengthening bones and teeth
Besides iron and protein, other substances in jengkol are calcium and phosphorus. These two substances are substances that are needed by bones. Calcium and phosphorus can prevent bone loss (osteoporosis). So, often consuming jengkol with enough portions can make your body's bones stronger.
4. Exterminate free radicals
Jengkol contains several types of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C. Vitamin A is useful for maintaining eye health and can improve the sharpness of the sense of sight. Vitamin A and vitamin C also act as antioxidants. The benefits of antioxidants are known to be effective in preventing free radicals that cause cancer.
6. Streamline the stomach
Don't get me wrong, jengkol can also help streamline a distended stomach. The high fiber content can launch bowel movements so that indirectly makes the stomach slim. One of the causes of stomach bloating in a person is due to defecation that is not smooth and irregular.
Surely you already know about jengkol. It turns out that there are so many benefits of jengkol for our body. Well here are some benefits of jengkol that can be obtained.
1. Formation of the Body Network
High protein content in jengkol can help tissue formation in the body. the protein content in jengkol turned out to be much more compared to the protein content in green beans and donkey.
2. Prevent Anemia
Jengkol is also rich in iron where iron is very important to prevent and overcome the lack of production of red blood cells in the body. You certainly know that if the body is deficient in iron, the production of red blood cells will decrease. As a result, the supply of oxygen and food substances needed by all cells in the body will also decrease.
The effect of lack of oxygen supply and food substances on cells will reduce cell function / performance. No wonder if someone has iron deficiency, he will look weak, easily tired, and not excited. Well, for those of you women, taking jengkol during menstruation is highly recommended so that your body is not iron deficient due to the large amount of menstrual blood coming out of the body.
3. Preventing Bone Loss / Strengthening bones and teeth
Besides iron and protein, other substances in jengkol are calcium and phosphorus. These two substances are substances that are needed by bones. Calcium and phosphorus can prevent bone loss (osteoporosis). So, often consuming jengkol with enough portions can make your body's bones stronger.
4. Exterminate free radicals
Jengkol contains several types of vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C. Vitamin A is useful for maintaining eye health and can improve the sharpness of the sense of sight. Vitamin A and vitamin C also act as antioxidants. The benefits of antioxidants are known to be effective in preventing free radicals that cause cancer.
6. Streamline the stomach
Don't get me wrong, jengkol can also help streamline a distended stomach. The high fiber content can launch bowel movements so that indirectly makes the stomach slim. One of the causes of stomach bloating in a person is due to defecation that is not smooth and irregular.