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    Benefits of Carrots for Health and Beauty

    Benefits of Carrots for Health and Beauty
    Surely you all know carrot vegetables. apparently carrots have a lot of benefits for our bodies. Here are some benefits we can get from carrot vegetables.

    1, Reducing Cancer Risk
    Inside the carrot has the content of charcoal, phosphorus, beta carotene which makes it very good for body health. Beta carotene content is believed to be effective for preventing the body from attacking cancer. Research shows, people who consume carrots twice a day can reduce 17% risk of breast cancer.

    Other research also shows that carrots can reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Researchers found falcarinol and falcarindiol which are anticancer substances.

    Falcarinol is a natural pesticide produced by carrots that protect the roots from fungal diseases. Carrots are the only source of vegetables that have this substance. A study showed that cancer risk was 1/3 lower than rats consuming carrots.

    2. Suppressing the Risk of Heart Disease
    Consuming 6 carrot seeds in a week, according to a recent Harvard research study, can reduce the risk of bad cholesterol in the body, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. Antioxidants in carrots also help reduce high blood pressure, which can trigger heart disease.

    3. Improve the Immune System
    The body's immune system can be strengthened also by regular consumption of carrots. Research shows eating carrots mixed with coriander can prevent harmful viruses from attacking the body. Mix coriander in carrot soup to consume it together. Besides that carrots also contain antioxidants, the benefits of known antioxidants are very important for maintaining and removing free radicals.