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    Benefits of cabbage for the health of the human body

    Benefits of cabbage for the health of the human body
    Do you know, what are the benefits of cabbage for human health. It turns out that there are so many benefits from cabbage for the body. Here are some benefits of cabbage for the human body.

    1. Helps the formation of red blood cells
    Iron is a component that makes the process of forming red blood cells more productive, thus avoiding symptoms of anemia. Consuming cabbage can be paired with orange juice, because the benefits of citrus can optimize iron absorption from the benefits of cabbage.

    2. Prevent cancer
    Classes of cabbage like cabbage have substances that can fight cancer cells in the body. The substance will stimulate the enzyme to hold the tumor growth rate. Research in China also produces women who consume a number of vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli has a reduced risk of developing breast cancer symptoms.

    3. Control high blood pressure
    Potassium is a good compound to reduce the symptoms of hypertension, the high content of potassium in cabbage / beans makes it one of the recommended foods for high blood pressure.

    4. Contains vitamin C
    Not only fruits like oranges, grapes or apples contain vitamin C, cabbage also has it so that it will make the immune system stronger. Vitamin C is also very good for treating skin health as well as the benefits of olive oil and the benefits of almond oil.

    5. Lose Weight
    Cabbage is one of the most recommended types of vegetables for people who want to lose weight in a healthy natural way. Cabbage has a lot of beneficial vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, you can eat large amounts of cabbage because it has high fiber content and is low in calories, it will not cause your weight.